Our vision is to create a school where inclusion is at the heart of everything that we do, to ensure that all pupils are able to reach their full potential, each made in the image and likeness of God. We embrace our differences and celebrate all successes, which are personal to each individual. We endeavour to prepare every pupil in our school community to enter their next stage of education with confidence and determination. 
                          "For we are God's masterpiece"
                                  Ephesians 2:10

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Report 2023

Special Education Needs and Disabilities  

Information Report 2023


  1. The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school.

St Mary's Catholic School is a mainstream primary school and a member of the Emmaus Catholic Multi-Academy Company. We accept pupils between ages 4 and 11 from Reception to Year 6 and have a Pre-School accepting pupils from age 3. 

We are all made in the image and likeness of God, with our own talents and strengths and therefore We believe that every child should be valued as an individual to be treated fairly and with consideration. This philosophy is at the heart of our treatment of children with special educational needs. They, like all other children, are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated according to their needs.

 We support children with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) including: cognition and learning; speech and communication and interaction; sensory and physical needs and social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

 There are no specialist units within the school. We work with a range of external agencies, from education, health and social care where appropriate to ensure we meet the needs of children with SEND so that they make the best possible progress. The agencies we work with include (but not limited to), Educational Psychology for Everyone, Occupational Therapy Service, Social/Family Services, Sycamore Behaviour Outreach Support, CAHMS, SALT, Inclusive Pathways and IEYs.


  1. Information about the schools polices for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs.

Definition of SEND

A pupil who has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or who has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.

 Identification and Assessment of Pupils with SEND

Some children are identified as children with SEND before entry to school by the parents, Health Visitor or Integrated Early Years' Service (IEYS). Other children are identified through observation and/or assessment as falling significantly outside the range of expected development or academic progress of their immediate peer group. The class teacher has the initial responsibility for addressing the concerns, by considering how they could make differentiated, additional or different provision to meet the particular needs of that child through high quality teaching, scaffolding and adaptation. In most instances this will be enough to help the child catch up; however, if concerns still exist, then the school adopts the graduated response approach as recommended in the SEN Code of Practice 2015, consisting of a continuum of support. The class teacher will discuss their concerns with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) and the identification process will include gathering information about the child's progress, assessments and observations completed by the SENDCO. Parents will be invited to meet with the class teacher and the SENDCO to share in these discussions and where appropriate the child will also be included.

The SENDCO will devise interventions "additional to or different from" those provided as part of the school's usual differentiated curriculum. The teacher continues to remain responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and for planning and delivering an individualised curriculum. If necessary, the SENDCO may request further assessments to inform planned support from outside agencies, such as the Speech and Language Therapy Service or services under the umbrella of Educational Psychology for Everyone; this will only happen after discussion with and written consent from parents.


  1. Information about the school's policies for making provision for pupils with special educational needs whether or not pupils have EHC (Education Health Care) Plans, including -
  2. How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils;


The SENDCO and Data Lead evaluate and monitor pupil progress through teacher assessment, standardised tests and achievement of individual targets. The SENDCO then updates the SEN register and works with class teachers to update the provision map to reflect the needs of the pupils. This is also discussed during Pupil Progress meetings with the school Principal and shared with parents termly, either verbally or in written form. Feedback is given to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and reported to the Local Governing Body. 


The SENDCO carries out drop-ins of lessons, as well as interventions, in conjunction with assessment and book trawls to evaluate the impact of the support they are receiving.  If necessary, a coaching and mentoring programme is put in place to support staff members. An intervention that is not having a positive impact on children's outcomes will be evaluated and amended where needed.


  1. The school's arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs;
    • Teacher's continual assessment of pupil's work
    • Feedback from teaching assistants who are leading interventions
    • Meetings with parents
    • Pupil progress meetings with class teacher and assessment coordinator
    • Monitoring of individual targets set by external agencies at review meetings
    • Evaluation of the provision maps termly
    • Monitoring of interventions
    • Pupil interview
    • Data analysis
    • Monitoring and assessments carried out by outside agencies


  1. The school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs;


At St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, class teachers are responsible for delivering high quality teaching, scaffolding and adapted to meet the needs of all pupils. As much as possible, support will occur in class. This may involve specialised resources or equipment and/or support from a Teaching Assistant (TA). Where SEN interventions involve group or one-to-one teaching away from the main class teacher, the class teacher will still retain responsibility for the pupil, working closely with any teaching assistants or specialist staff involved. The SENDCO monitors the delivery and impact of interventions. The SENDCO will support the class teacher in the further assessment of the child's particular strengths and weaknesses, in problem solving and advising on the effective implementation of the support.


  1. How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs;


St. Mary's Primary School believe that every child should be valued as an individual, to be treated fairly and with consideration. This philosophy is at the heart of our treatment of children with special educational needs. They, like all other children, are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum differentiated according to their needs.


All children access a broad and balanced curriculum, including the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) and Phonics Checks, alongside their peers. For a very small number of children the curriculum and assessments may be amended to meet their very specific needs. On some occasions a child may be dis-applied from the National Tests, if they are working too far below the expected levels and it is decided, in consultation with parents that it is not in their best interests to do so. However, the final decision remains that of the Principal.


In the event of any requests being received from parents or the Local Authority (LA) for other pupils to attend our school we need to take professional advice to assess their level of difficulty and how access to various parts of the school and, therefore, involvement in the whole curriculum would be achieved.


To assist us in this process we would, of course, work alongside any relevant outside agencies.


There is a disabled toilet in this building. All areas of the school are accessible by wheelchair. For further information please see our 'Accessibility Plan' which is also available on our website.


Each individual child's needs are, of course, different and would need to be assessed and the parents consulted prior to enrolment. Any further additional adjustments that are required would need to be completed before the child attends the school, including the appointment of suitable support staff. This process would be completed as soon as possible. We would strive to make all reasonable adjustments to facilitate the needs of each child within the limitations of the buildings and financial constraints.


There is one parking bay allocated for blue badge holders in the school car park.





  1. Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with special educational needs;


The school's SEN Policy provides much greater detail about the type of support, interventions, strategies and resources that may be used to help meet the needs of each child. Once a child's needs have been identified and the relevant assessments undertaken, the class teacher and/or SENDCO will inform parents as to how school is planning to support their child and what they might do to help at home.


This additional and/or different support might be in the form of:

  • Special equipment e.g. coloured overlays, special pencil grips, scissors, cushions
  • Additional TA support within the classroom directed at a particular child or group more frequently than the majority of children within the class
  • Targeted individual support within the classroom (focus might be behavioural, language based, support for working memory, etc, specific resources)
  • Larger print size/coloured paper
  • Reading Interventions - inc. Little Wandle Letters and Sounds
  • Nurture groups
  • Speech and Language Therapy support (individual/group)
  • Targeted individual /paired or small group support during the afternoon to address specific and individual targets set out by a Specialist Teacher from EPE
  • Language/Speech link
  • Calm Brain


  1. Activities that are available for pupils with special educational needs in addition to those available in accordance with the national curriculum


Children with Special Needs are actively encouraged to access activities before and after school - for example morning club as well as clubs after school such as drama, Irish dancing, multi skills, dodge ball, football and art.


In some cases, additional support on trips and additional targeted support will be made available to support a child with their individual need. If necessary, an individual Risk Assessment will be written.


  1. Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with special educational needs


We recognise that persistent disruptive or withdrawn behaviours do not necessarily mean that a child has SEND.


Appropriate assessments will be carried out to determine if causal factors are related to undiagnosed learning difficulties, communication and interaction difficulties or mental health issues and appropriate support will be put in place. This may include circle time activities in class, Social Skills evidence -based intervention groups or the involvement of specialist support. Specialist support may involve: Educational Psychology, Speech and Language, School Health Advisor or referral by GP to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).


Appropriate support will be provided in distressing circumstances where bullying is suspected or there has been bereavement, as we are aware of the significant impact that this can have on the well-being of a pupil.


Our Learning Mentors run a social skills and nurture group each week. Outreach workers from the Sycamore Centre support with social skills groups in school too. We also welcome support from 'My feelings and me' to help children develop their emotional literacy skills each term.


  1. The name and contact details of the Special Education Needs Coordinator


The Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) is Ms Mosley. She is a qualified teacher and has achieved the National Award of Special Education Needs Coordination.


Contact details


Telephone: 01384 985005

Ms Mosley works Tuesday to Thursday.


  1. Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with SEN and about how specialist expertise will be secured.


Staff training needs are identified by the Senior Leadership Team, SENDCO and staff during performance management reviews. Some training is delivered by Ms Mosley where appropriate and additional training has been delivered through the EP Service, Educational Psychology for Everyone, Occupational Therapy team, Sycamore Outreach Centre, the school nurse and the Speech and Language Therapy team.

Ms Mosley holds the National Award of Special Education Needs Coordination.


  1. Information about how equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special educational needs will be secured.

We work closely with specialist professionals to ensure that accurate information is accessed regarding equipment and facilities for pupils with SEN/disabilities. Children's specific needs are identified through the SEN review process, where specific equipment and/or resources are deemed to be necessary to support learning they are recorded in the reports submitted by outside agencies and included on the child's learning plan/passport. This is discussed with the Principal and resources are purchased accordingly.


  1. The arrangements for consulting parents of children with special educational needs about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child.

Each term, parents of pupils with SEND will be invited to book an appointment on or around parent's evening with the SENDCO to discuss their child's progress. If an outside specialist has been working with a child, there may be additional meetings that parents will be invited to. Parents can speak to their child's class teacher or to Ms Mosley if they have a concern. Ms Mosley works Tuesday to Thursday and an appointment can be made with the school office if parents have any concerns. 


  1. The arrangements for consulting young people with special educational needs about, and involving them in, their education.

The class teacher, SENDCO or teaching assistant will have an opportunity to discuss any targets and strategies that will be put in place with the child on a one-to-one basis. The member of staff will record the child's thoughts on their strengths and areas for development and any suggestions they have for targets to work towards. Pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan, are supported to submit their views in writing as part of the Annual Review.

Pupil interviews are also carried out to give children the opportunity to share their views.


  1. Any arrangements made by the Governing Body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school.

As a school we believe that the Special Educational Needs of pupils are best met when there is effective collaboration and communication between school, other agencies, families and pupils. We aim to foster good working relations with all of these groups especially parents.

Any complaints will be dealt with in line with St Mary's Complaints Policy.


  1. How the Governing Body involves other bodies, including health and social services bodies, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and in supporting the families of such pupils.

 The school purchases the services of Educational Psychology for Everyone. We are able to directly refer pupils to the Physical and Sensory Support Service, and to The Sycamore

Partnership Service (behaviour) for advice. School can refer to Speech and Language Therapy and the Visual Impairment Team directly and to Occupational Therapy through the school nurse. Referrals to CAMHS can now be made by school as well as the GP. All referrals need parental consent.


  1. The contact details of support services for the parents and pupils with special educational needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32.

The Dudley Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), formerly Dudley Parent Partnership Service, provides impartial information, advice and support to young people and parents, covering special educational needs, disability, health and social care. Helpline number: 01384 236677 Address: Trafalgar

House, 47-49 King Street, Dudley, DY2 8PS

  1. The school's arrangements for supporting pupils with special educational needs in transferring between phases of education

For pupils entering St. Mary's in Reception Class, Ms Mosley and the Reception class teacher will liaise with the pre-schools, the Specialist Early Year's Service and the SEN Team as necessary. For pupils entering or transferring at other times during their primary education we will liaise with the previous or new school to ensure reports and information is passed on. Information is passed on to the receiving school as soon as possible. Some of our children transfer to Hagley Catholic High School as part of the Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company and there is a transfer programme in place during Year 6 to liaise with the SENDCO at Hagley. For pupils who transfer to other secondary education all information is passed on promptly and Ms Mosley will liaise with the SENDCO of the receiving school to ensure a smooth transition.


  1. Information on where the local authority's local offer is published.


Special Educational Needs Report 2021

Special Education Needs report 2020

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2019

Accessibility Plan

Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities

The admission of pupils with disabilities is considered in the first instance in the same way as non-disabled pupils.  Further considerations are made in the light of need and accessibility and the school would work with parents/carers and other agencies involved to ensure that appropriate provision could be provided.  We will accommodate pupils with disabilities should parents wish and individual needs are planned for to prevent any pupils with disabilities being treated less favourably than other pupils.

Existing facilities provided to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities:

  • Wheelchair access onto school grounds
  • Carpeted classrooms to aid hearing impaired pupils’ learning.
  • Exterior lighting to improve evening access.
  • Disabled toilet
  • Single storey building

The name and contact details of the Special Education Needs Coordinator

The Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Mosley. She is a qualified teacher and has achieved the National Award of Special Education Needs Coordination.

During her absence, please contact the Interim SENDCo, Miss A Knowles, who works Monday, Tuesday and Friday

Contact details

Telephone: 01384 985005

Ms Mosley works Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

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