St Mary's is a 'Healthy School' and we actively encourage children to bring healthy lunchboxes and snacks.
All children are encouraged to bring their own bottle of water into school on a daily basis. Fizzy drinks are not allowed.
Children in Pre-school, Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive a piece of fresh fruit to eat at break time provided by the DfE free fruit scheme.
As an alternative to bringing lunch from home, a healthy, balanced school meal can be ordered each day by the children and paid for via Parent Pay. Please see the menu below for more information. Our meals are cooked and provided by AIP.
If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals, please see below for details.
Please note that we are a 'nut free' school as we sometimes have pupils with nut allergies, therefore snacks or food containing nuts are not permitted at any time.
The school has had Healthy School Status since 2007.
From September 2014 the new nationwide scheme 'Universal Infant Free School Meals' became available. This means that all children attending school in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be entitled to free school meals, regardless of income or eligibility for benefits.
If you get any of the following support payments your child may be entitled to receive free school meals:
If your child is in Reception, Year One or Year Two, you will automatically be entitled for free meals under the 'Universal Infant Free School Meals' criteria. However if you do meet the criteria listed above then you will need to submit an on-line claim in order for your child's school to receive Pupil Premium funding, which supports their individual education.
If you are unsure about your eligibility for Free School Meals, please call 01384 814988. There will be someone on hand to answer any of your queries. In order for your child to benefit from this extra funding it is important that children are on the register for Free School Meals as soon as possible to release the school funding.
If you wish to apply for Free School Meals, please go to:
If you need further information, you can contact the Free School Meals Team by:
Visiting - Dudley Council Plus, Castle Street, Dudley between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday, 9am and 12 noon Saturday
Email -
Telephone -01384 814988
We hope you have found this information useful.
I don't currently claim free school meals - what does this mean for me?
If you think you might be eligible for free school meals, submit a claim to your local authority (see link above). The information you provide will be used to check if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and, if you are on Universal Credit, that your earnings do not exceed the threshold. If you claim Universal Credit, your earnings will be assessed from up to three of your last Universal Credit assessment periods.
If you are eligible, your school will be notified. Your child will receive free school meals and the school will receive extra funding.
Where can I get more information?
If you need any further information, please speak to a member of school staff or the local authority.