The Board has established a local governing body (LGB) for each school, which provides for the operational running of each academy, drawing on local representation rooted within the academy's staff, parental, parish and neighbourhood communities.
The local governing body will: oversee the implementation of the Directors' strategy, policy and procedures; monitor the effectiveness of the management in running the school in accordance with the Directors' strategy, policy and procedures; and report on the impact of the Directors' strategic framework on the quality of provision, performance and standards of the school.
Overall purpose of the LGB
• Provide the assurance that the strategy and policies of the Board of Directors are implemented at a local level in the multi academy company.
• Provide a strong monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework, so the education provided by the school meets the needs of children in its care.
• Enable the academy to be accountable for building a strong, Catholic collaborative learning community, rooted in the teachings of Christ and his Church and the values of the Gospel, by ensuring the academies form good relationships and effective communication with all stakeholders that benefit the children's learning, formation, attainment and progress.
• Make recommendations to the Board of Directors and to other committees as necessary and appropriate.
If you would like to contact the LGB, please send a letter marked for the attention of the Chair of the Governing Body to the school address.
Name | Type of Representative |
Mr A Guinan | Foundation Governor (Vice-Chair- currently Interim Chair) |
Fr Shanju | Foundation Governor |
Miss A Crosby | Foundation Governor |
Mrs R Foley | Foundation Governor |
Mrs S Comyns | Foundation Governor |
Mrs M Bennett | Elected Parent Governor |
Vacancy | Elected Parent Governor |
Mrs I Borriello | Principal |
Miss J Hickman | Staff Governor |
The Local Governing Body (LGB) meets at least once a term as a full body, and focuses on Teaching and Learning, Finance and Staffing and safeguarding, Catholic life and health and safety.
It is the policy of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School that Governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially.
The local governing body and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and those of the school. There is a legal duty on all our governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting, and for the representative concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered.
In order to put this duty into practice, our Local Governing Body has established a register of pecuniary interests indicating, for all Governors, Staff and the Principal, any business interests. This includes, if appropriate, the company by whom they are employed, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the school.
They include their own interest and those of any member of their immediate family or other individuals known to them who may exert influence. The register page is signed by the Representative/Staff Member. The register enables the Local Governing Body to demonstrate that in spending public money, they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make.
currently under review
The following information can be found on the Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company website by following the link below: