Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! We have a bright, sunny classroom with lots of displays which motivate us to work hard and achieve whilst having fun. We are all encouraged to try our best and reach our full potential.

Our class prayer table is a main focus in our classroom and we change it throughout the year to celebrate Feast days and special times in the Church's year. Jesus is very much a presence in our classroom and we have a special Bible story book and prayer book next to our prayer table.

We usually have Read Write Inc. and numeracy in the morning and science, PE, topic and RE in the afternoon. We are very lucky to have music lessons on a Thursday afternoon with Mrs Edgar. She is teaching us lots of songs and helping us to sing together as a group.

Often our subjects are linked together which makes our learning fun. Our topic for the Autumn term is the Great Fire of London. In science we are looking at living things and their habitats and in Art we are looking at super sculptures. We usually link our topics to our extended writing so we can use our skills to find out about our topic and present information to other people.

Year 2 staff work very closely with Year 1 staff to make sure that there is a smooth transition from one year to the next. They also work with Year 3 staff to help with leaving Key Stage 1 and starting Key Stage 2 to ensure we settle into our new class well.

Emmaus CMAC
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Ofsted
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