Year 1

Year 1 is a wonderful, bright and sunny classroom with lots of displays which motivate us to work hard and achieve highly whilst having fun. Year 1 is an exciting and supportive place to learn, discover and grow. We are all encouraged to try our best and reach our full potential.

The style of work in Year 1 is more independent than in Reception since the children are now in Key Stage 1. Children are encouraged to follow class rules and are responsible for their own belongings. However every effort is made, especially in the first term, to provide a smooth transition from Reception class.

Our class prayer table is a main focus in our classroom and we change it throughout the year to celebrate Feast days and special times in the Church's year. Jesus is very much a presence in our classroom. Year 1 also take a more active role in whole school masses.

The children are encouraged to use the interactive whiteboard independently, as well as other turn taking activities both inside and outside the classroom.

We usually have English, Maths and Phonics lessons daily and cover RE, Science, History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology, PE and Music throughout the week. Often our subjects are linked together which makes our learning fun. This year lots of our learning will take place through the topics ‘Celebrate good times’, ‘The Great Fire of London’ and ‘Pirates’.

We usually go on a class trip in Year 1 to consolidate our learning. Last year we had great fun in Weston Super Mare as part of our ‘Seaside’ topic.

The Year 1 team looks forward to meeting you.

Find out what we are learning in Year 1:

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